WordPress backups

We protect your work

Our backups are stored in the cloud, reliable, lightweight

  • Cloud backups

    Sleep easy with daily, incremental, cloud-saved backups. We use the best technology to avoid nasty surprises. Our Advanced plan includes real-time backups so you won't miss a single order in your e-commerce.

What's included

Amazon S3​ backups

The most reliable cloud infrastructure. Your data stays in Europe in compliance with GDPR.

Daily or real-time backups

The right backup frequency for your site, based on the subscription you choose.

Partial or full site restoration

We can restore a file, a plugin, or just the database – depending on the problem.

90 backup copies

To recover data as old as three months.

Lightweight backups

Thanks to our incremental technology, backups use few resources.

No slowdowns

Thanks to incremental technology, backups don’t slow down your site.

A team of experts available for you

WordPress Complete Support and Management

Daniele Besana
We're certified:


A WordPress site consists of many files and a database. A backup is simply a copy of your site, which can be restored if there is a problem.

A backup strategy is the first step in protecting your site and your business!

For the same reason you have insurance for your car – in case of problems, you’re protected.

The problems a WordPress site can have are several:

  • Malware or hackers infecting your site with malicious code;
  • A human error: a wrong operation on the site that can cause data loss;
  • A hosting issue that could literally make your site disappear;

A backup is like a lifesaver for your site and your business.

Many hosting providers include a backup service, but often that’s not enough.

We’ve experienced many situations where hosting providers only performed partial, old or unusable backups.

Also, if the hosting provider has a serious problem – for example, the OVH fire in March 2021 -, you risk losing both the site and the backups!

Our backup service is fully automated and all backups are securely and reliably saved on the Amazon S3 cloud (with servers in Europe, GDPR compliant).

In case of need, our team is available to quickly solve a problem, assessing whether you need to restore a file, a folder or the whole site.

Focus on your business
and let us take care of WordPress.

WP-OK is a WordPress and WooCommerce website management service. A team of experts who take care of your site.

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